Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach

Sarah Lepsy

Do you suffer from chronic hives? Other mystery symptoms?

Have you been told that your symptoms are “psychosomatic” or “in your head”?  Or that all you need to do is “stop stressing”?

You aren’t crazy.

I experienced a wide array of symptoms including chronic hives, migraine headaches, fatigue, brain fog, joint pain, extreme bloating, insomnia, and more. I visited numerous doctors seeking answers and left hopeless often with a prescription for an anti-depressant despite not feeling depressed.

I’ve been there.

I am not “cured” but I learned to find balance in my life and reduce my flares significantly by utilizing functional medicine principles. I learned to listen to my body and found what worked for me. I took my power back after feeling helpless and hopeless for years. 

Are you ready to take your power back?

Read My Story

I am a Talking Toxins graduate!