Chronic Urticaria Symptoms – More Than Hives

Are you struggling with chronic urticaria and other mystery symptoms? Chronic urticaria symptoms extend beyond a simple itchy rash, often presenting a complex picture with seemingly unrelated yet common issues. According to this study, approximately 2/3 of participants reported additional symptoms. In a recent survey conducted in a Facebook support group for chronic urticaria, results mirrored these…

Chronic Hives Tests: Find Your Root Cause

SUMMARY: In this article, we delve into chronic hives tests. Chronic spontaneous urticaria is usually diagnosed without running a lot of tests. Chronic hives can be attributed to an overactive immune response, and the treatment is the same regardless of underlying factors. Because of the approach that traditional medicine takes to treat symptoms instead of…

What Caused My Hives?

What caused my hives? This is a question that you have probably thought to yourself many times. I have been dealing with inducible urticaria since childhood, but I developed daily spontaneous hives in my mid-twenties.  It took me years to find what caused my hives. My physician was dismissive and cold, and that led me…

Treating Hives While Pregnant: A Guide to Safe Medications

Are you battling chronic hives while pregnant? Or maybe you are trying to conceive and want to make sure that your medications are safe prior to becoming pregnant. It’s tough, right? You don’t want to risk harm to your baby, but chronic hives are hard to live with. Fortunately, many women do experience remission of…

Chronic Hives Causes – A Functional Medicine Perspective

Are you scratching your head over the incessant itchiness and wondering, “Why do I have chronic hives?“If you’ve been longing for an understanding of chronic hives causes, you’re in good company. This disease was once called Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria, because the medical community didn’t understand why we get chronic hives. The name of the disease…

How to Counteract Prednisone Side Effects

If you need to take prednisone, it’s essential to know how to counteract prednisone side effects. As a former nurse, turned functional medicine health coach, I understand the importance of powerful medications such as prednisone and other steroids. I have also seen the side effects and repercussions of taking these medications. That’s why, when I…

Chronic Hives Triggers

Understanding Common Chronic Hives Triggers Living with chronic urticaria is challenging, but identifying and avoiding your triggers can help to reduce the frequency and severity of your symptoms. In this article, we will discuss the most common chronic hives triggers and how to identify your unique chronic hives triggers. It’s important to keep in mind…

Medical Gaslighting: How to Recognize It and What to Do About It

Has your doctor told you that your chronic symptoms are psychosomatic or “in your head”? Or maybe they made a comment that you exaggerate, or labeled you as depressed or stressed when you know in your heart that is not the reason for your symptoms. If you’ve been feeling like your doctor is dismissing you,…

Chronic Hives and Mold with Beth O’Hara

Wondering if your hives might be from mold exposure? Daily hives, migraines, brain fog, fatigue, gut issues, pain. What do all of these things have in common? These seemingly unrelated symptoms may be connected, especially if you have a history of mold exposure. In my chronic urticaria journey, I have discovered many underlying conditions that…