Does Celery Juice Help Hives?

Does celery juice help hives? Show picture of celery on table next to celery juice

Does Drinking Celery Juice Help Hives?

This is a question that I get a lot. The craze started with self-proclaimed medical medium Anthony Williams who claims to get his knowledge from the spirit world. His recommendation is to drink 16 ounces of celery juice on an empty stomach every day and it will alleviate chronic conditions like hives.

So why take advice from some guy on the internet who gets his information from spirits? It sounds crazy, right? I believe in science but there are no studies to back up his claim.

However, I also believe in personal testimonials and there are many who claim they have seen some amazing benefits from drinking celery juice to help hives.

Here are a couple of examples:

You can also find some inspiring posts in Facebook support groups like Thrive with Hives.

Check out some of the reviews of his book on Amazon.

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. It does not change the price for you.

It’s important to remember that we are all different and just because it has celery juice has helped reduce or relieve some people’s hives, doesn’t mean it will work for you. If you have been a part of chronic urticaria support communities, and tried various things that people mention helped them, you may have experienced this. It can be frustrating but it’s part of the process. Make sure to track your symptoms and potential triggers. Some will find that it may help hives ease symptoms, while others may react negatively.

Update: I personally have an oxalate issue, and have struggled with chronic kidney stones, so celery juicing is something that I no longer would consider. You need to take your unique circumstances into consideration, and listen to what your body is telling you.

Juicing to help chronic hives – Tips

  • Prep celery ahead of time. I separate the stalks and wash the night before.
  • My juicer is clean, assembled and ready to go when I wake up.
  • If you are using a juicer that doesn’t have an option to adjust to what you are juicing, remove the strings as much as possible. It helps to cut into smaller pieces. You don’t want to burn out your motor (speaking from experience) or waste time trying to remove the strings from your juicer.
  • The leafy ends are good for you but if the taste isn’t tolerable, cut them off. It make your juice more bitter. I like to use them in soups and broth. You can use the pulp in recipes too.
  • Remember to drink on an empty stomach. No food or drink for at least 20 minutes after consuming the juice.
  • Chew your juice. Sounds weird right? But chewing is an important step in the digestion process and you don’t want to skip it. Make an effort to “chew” your juice before swallowing.
  • Start small and work your way up. The recommend amount is 16 oz of celery juice, but if you can’t tolerate it, you can start with as little as 4 oz.
  • Can’t stand the taste of plain ole celery juice? Try adding some apple. Although it’s meant to be celery only, some people just can’t stand the taste. If it’s making you gag, you won’t be sticking with the habit. Go ahead and add a piece of apple and you can slowly start to add less until you get used to the taste.
  • Drink your celery juice cold. Something about cold juice just makes it more palatable.
  • Clean your juicer right away. Get into the habit of cleaning your juicer right away. Juicers have a lot of parts and can be a pain to clean. It’s easier to do it right away. Have a sink full of hot soapy water ready and clean as soon as you are done juicing.

Pros and Cons of Juicing Celery for Hives.

As with anything, there are pros and cons to consider when experimenting with whether celery juices helps alleviate your hives.

Pros of Celery Juice for Hives

  • Studies have revealed that celery contains valuable phytochemicals like apigenin and luteolin, which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds have been shown to reduce inflammation within the body. For those who are struggling with hives, this natural remedy may offer some relief by helping to calm an overactive immune system.
  • Celery contains antioxidants which can help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body.
  • Celery juice is a powerhouse of essential nutrients, including Vitamin C, which is known for its mast cell stabilizing properties—an important consideration for those dealing with hives. Beyond that, it’s packed with other vital vitamins like K, and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and iron, all of which offer a range of health benefits.
  • Improved gut health. If you struggle with constipation, celery juice can act as a gentle laxative. Celery juice aids in restoring optimal levels of gastric acid, improving digestion and gut health.

Potential Cons and Cautions When Considering Celery Juice for Hives

  • If you are on certain medications like blood thinners, drinking celery juice may interfere with these. Do not drink celery juice without first checking with your doctor.
  • Celery is a high oxalate food and should not be consumed in large quantities for a long period of time. Some people are very sensitive to the oxalates in celery juice and may have a poor reaction. I personally developed an oxalate issue after over-consuming these foods.
  • Celery juice can cause sensitivity to sunlight. Celery contains natural compounds that can increase sensitivity to sunlight, a condition known as phytophotodermatitis. Be sure to wear sunscreen and avoid direct exposure if you are consuming celery juice for your hives.
  • You may have a reaction to the celery juice. Like anything that you put in your body, you may not be able to tolerate it, despite what other’s have experienced. Every body is different and it is up to you to get to know your particular sensitivities and intolerance. Listen to what your body tells you.
  • Celery juicing can get pricey. Then again, so are all those medications and supplements in my cupboard.

Supplies Needed to Juice Celery for Hives

  • Organic celery. It’s always best to use organic celery when juicing. We want to avoid any excess toxins in our body. Celery is on the dirty dozen list.
  • A high quality slow masticating juicer is best.
    • This is the one that I have. I love this juicer. I actually burned the motor out on my old Dash juicer while juicing celery because the strings got caught up in it. This juicer has different settings that you can adjust according to what you are juicing. This juicer is also way easier to clean than the one that I used before and that’s super important. The fastest way to get burned out and give up juicing is a juicer that is hard to clean.

Don’t let the price scare you off. There are a lot of more affordable options if you are just starting out and you’re unsure if you want to commit to juicing. A slow masticating juicer is best, be sure to prep your celery appropriately. Make sure that all the strings are removed and chop the celery into smaller pieces to avoid strings getting stuck and burning out your motor.

  • You CAN use your blender as well. Just strain through a cheese cloth.
  • Remember to drink only from glass or stainless steel. Plastics can leach chemicals into your celery juice. I use glass mason jars but any glass jar or cup will do.
  • If you don’t like the taste of celery juice, it helps to use a straw. Again, we don’t want to expose ourselves to any toxins, so stay away from plastics.

Saving Money Celery Juicing

  • Regrow your celery. Organic celery is expensive and if you plan on doing this long term it can add up. Growing your own celery can save you a lot of money.

See how here:

  • Use your blender and cheese cloth if a juicer is not something your ready to invest in. Or you can find your local Buy Nothing group and see if someone in your community has a juicer they are willing to let go of.
  • Use the pulp. Don’t throw it away, save it for recipes. I like to use it for soups or I put it in my chicken recipes.

So, Does Drinking Celery Juice Help Hives?

Maybe. It’s important to always keep in mind that we are all unique and what works for one person, or even many, may not work for you. I have learned after years of trial and error, and numerous attempts at miracle cures, to not get too excited.

Celery juice is packed with nutrients and may reduce inflammation and boost hydration, among other benefits that can help reduce chronic hives.

In my opinion, based on the testimonials that I have seen, it’s definitely worth a try, barring any medical issues. As always, please check with your medical team before trying remedies like celery juicing for hives.

Ready to get juicing?

To your health,

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