Estrogen Dominance? Hormone Imbalance and Chronic Hives.

The agony of chronic urticaria is real and keeping our hormones in check is essential. In my battle with chronic hives I have had a lot of issues pop up that I didn’t realize could contribute to my symptoms. One of these is the relationship between hormonal imbalance and chronic hives. Estrogen Dominance could have an impact on your chronic hives.

Have you ever noticed your hives flaring more at a certain time in your menstrual cycle? Or did your hives present after giving birth or going through menopause or peri-menopause? These are common things that I hear in the support group for women with chronic urticaria.

Keep in mind that hormones are extremely complicated and this is just an overview. You may want to do more research if you suspect that this could be an issue for you. And, as always, please check with your physician.

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Estrogen dominance histamine cycle. Shows that when histamine is high estrogen rises and when estrogen is high histamine rises

How are hormone imbalances and Chronic Hives related?

Many women are not aware that healthy hormone balance plays an important role in keeping the immune system regulated. It’s a regular part of our lives that we don’t give much thought. Women who have autoimmune or inflammatory diseases such as chronic urticaria will find it a bit harder to balance their hormones in comparison to women who don’t have these issues.

Women are twice as likely to have autoimmune diseases and chronic urticaria. Understanding the connection between hormones and the immune system can really help in balancing hormones and potentially keeping those hives at bay. Estrogen dominance has been associated with hives.

What are some common signs of hormone imbalance?

  • Low sex drive
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty conceiving
  • Insomnia
  • Moodiness
  • Weight gain
  • Headaches
  • Painful heavy periods
  • PMS
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Digestive issues
  • Chronic acne
  • Brain fog
  • Vaginal Dryness (can also be caused by antihistamines)
  • Hair loss

What causes hormone imbalance?

Hormonal imbalance, just like autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, is caused by many factors. They can be caused by a combination of issues. Here are some of them:

  • Stress
  • Exposure to synthetic hormones (hello birth control)
  • Exposure to hormones in our food
  • Diet
  • Medical conditions
  • Poor gut health
  • Exposure to environmental toxins (Xenoestrogens)
  • Age
  • Being overweight
  • Some medications
  • Genetics


Estrogen regulates the menstrual cycle and also keeps the uterus healthy for pregnancy. Estrogen is the predominant female hormone and according to scientists, it can be a factor in the development of autoimmune diseases in women.

Estrogen can easily interplay with some functions of the immune system which triggers the inflammatory process, potentially leading to hives. During the reproductive years, estrogen is extremely high which may explain why many autoimmune diseases are most prevalent in younger women.

Estrogen encourages mast cells to release more histamine and also can contribute to low DAO levels. DAO is an enzyme that helps the body clear excess histamine. If your estrogen levels are too high, this may impact your hives.

High estrogen, also known as estrogen dominance, can also put you at for medical conditions such as
  • breast cancer
  • thyroid conditions
  • ovarian cancer
  • stroke
  • blood clots
  • autoimmune disorders


Likewise, cortisol, which is known as the stress hormone must be balanced too. Higher level of cortisol contributes to stress, depression and anxiety, causing hives to flare in many women. It’s no wonder that stress and hives often go hand in hand. Excess estrogen can also cause cortisol imbalances, which is a whole other topic in itself.

How to balance hormones?

Balancing hormones is crucial, especially for women, as hormones have a deep effect on mental and physical well-being. I always recommend working with a functional medicine doctor and discussing if hormone testing is right for you. I worked with a functional medicine doctor who ordered a DUTCH test to check my hormones and the results were very eye opening.

There are some simple ways through which you can balance your hormones. Although these natural ways won’t bring a sudden balance to your hormones, they will gradually restore harmony over time. I see a lot of people getting discouraged when they don’t get better in a matter of days or weeks but it takes time for your body to find equilibrium again. Estrogen dominance when paired with chronic hives is a hard cycle to break.

Here are some things you can do to help:

1. Eat plenty of protein rich foods: Protein is a very important part of meals and essential for healthy hormone balance: Protein influences the hormones which control your appetite and keep cravings in control too.

2. Exercise: Regular exercise is a major contributor to balancing hormones. Physical activity influences hormonal health. Make sure that you engage in some physical activity on a daily basis. Walk vigorously for half an hour, practice yoga, or go to the gym.

3. Ditch the sugar: Avoiding sugar and refined carbs can also help in balancing your hormones as sugar is a major factor of several issues.

4. Watch the stress: Managing stress is going to help you in balancing cortisol.

5. Look out for endocrine disruptors these can be found all over your home in health and beauty products, cleaners, and even kitchen products such as cookware and dinnerware . Skip the plastics as much as possible. I use a glass water bottle like this one Check out the EWG dirty dozen Endocrine Disruptors and avoid these as much as possible.

6. Supporting gut health. Consider adding a probiotic. Ask your functional medicine doctor to do a GI map and check for food intolerances. All of the above can help gut health as well.

So could estrogen dominance be a factor in chronic hives?

Hormonal balance is crucial for women with autoimmune and chronic skin conditions such as hives. The battle with hormone imbalance is a tough one. It turns into a cycle of estrogen signaling your body to release more histamine and histamine signaling your body to produce more estrogen. I often refer to this article when women ask about the hormonal link.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the key to staying healthy and fit. Keep this in mind when you are tempted to reach for that sugary treat or skip out on your workout or grab that plastic water bottle instead of a glass one.

According to my research every one of us is unique and will have different contributing factors but the possibility of Estrogen Dominance is definitely worth checking into.

Hormones need to be balanced in order to keep you healthy and happy!

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